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Backwards Cape/Bib

Product Details


This hands-free Backwards Cape/Bib blocks 99.9% of harmful EMF radiation* from a child’s chest and lap area.

Ideal for the squirmy toddler or any child/adult who is better off with a hands-free shielding solution.

Easily attaches around the neck with an adjustable snap closure.

Perfect for use at home or on the go.

Warning: Backwards Cape/Bib is not intended to make kids fly backward or catch drips.

*Testing was performed at a US test facility that is FCC Certified and NVLAP Accredited, where it was determined that the bubl shielding technology is effective at blocking 99.9% of the harmful frequencies emitted by Wi-Fi, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile phone RF radiation, in addition to blocking 99.9% of the harmful radiation from computers, tablets, smart meters, power lines, Bluetooth and microwave ovens.