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Ever-Fresh System® Replacement Pillows - 2 Pack

Product Details


Specially designed to accompany the Prince Lionheart Wipes Warmer of your choice, the Ever-Fresh® Pillow will help keep your wipes moist longer than ever. Simply place your saturated Ever-Fresh Pillow at the bottom of your baby wipes warmer. The pillow helps keep the wipes moist and fresh, fighting off bacteria with the EPA-approved anti-microbial additive within the Ever-Fresh Pillow, all while preventing the bottom of your wipes warmer from browning. By the way, browning is normal and expected. It is not burning. It is the result of the oxidation process when wipes with various additives are warmed, similar to an apple that oxidizes and turns brown once it is cut; it is safe to eat, just a little unsightly.

  • Highly-dense micro-porous pillow absorbs and releases moisture to ensure freshness
  • Rinse, Re-saturate Each Time You Refill Your Wipes, Or About Every Week
  • Reuse Each Pillow For 3 Months Before Replacing
  • Made From Baby-Safe Material And Treated With An EPA-Approved Anti-Microbial To Prevent Mold Growth