Baby Safety At Home
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to baby safety and baby-proofing, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Prince Lionheart helps you break it down into categories so that your home is ready for Baby.

- Put Baby to sleep on their backs
- Use a firm, flat sleep surface
- Keep cribs and bassinets empty except for a fitted sheet
- Ensure cribs meet safety standards
- Keep room between 68℉ and 72℉
- Hold Baby to bottle feed
- Never prop bottles
- Skip hard and round foods Baby could choke on
- Cut all other food into thin, small pieces
- Stay in the room while Baby eats
- Always use the safety straps
- Place seats safely away from anything baby can pull over or down
- Always place seats on the floor
- Only use seats as directed
- Test bath water temperature with your elbow
- Turn water heater down to 120℉
- Keep anything that uses electricity away from the tub
- Stay within arm’s reach
- Don’t let Baby drink bathwater
- Never leave Baby alone near any amount of water
- Be careful about furniture placement for climbing and grabbing
- Look for missing and broken pieces on toys
- Store toys in safe containers that can’t hurt Baby
- Ensure toys meet safety standards
- Secure furniture and heavy electronics to the wall
- Use cabinet and drawer locks
- Cover outlets and hide and secure cords
- Use baby safety gates at the tops and bottoms of stairs
- Secure and lock all doors and windows
- Secure your dishwasher, oven, and toilet
- Baby proof sharp edges and corners
- Install and test smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms
- Remove toxic household plants
- Skip tablecloths and table runners
- Never leave Baby on an elevated surface
Baby Safety In The Car
- Use a new, rear-facing carseat
- Never leave Baby alone in the car
- Put keys in your pocket or bag after turning the car off
- Keep essentials in the backseat with Baby so that you’ll always check it
- Keep doors and trunk locked when you’re not in the car
Baby Safety Outside The Home
- Keep Baby away from choking hazards
- Keep Baby away from sharp and pointy items
- Follow a mobile baby everywhere
- Appreciate plants and animals from a safe distance
- Never leave Baby unattended